Delineating urban growth boundaries with a CA-based FLUS model and morphological method
AbstractUrban growth boundaries (UGBs) have been commonly regarded as a useful tool for controlling urban sprawl. There is a need to create models tha
AbstractUrban growth boundaries (UGBs) have been commonly regarded as a useful tool for controlling urban sprawl. There is a need to create models tha
AbstractUnderstanding the impact of urban expansion on functional connectivity is significant to biodiversity conservation. Particularly, in the Three
AbstractArising from rapid growth of economy and population,urban sprawl has become a major challenge for sustainable urban development in the world.
AbstractLand use and land cover change (LUCC) simulation models are effective and reproducible tools for analyzing both the causes and consequences of
AbstractCellular automata (CA) have been widely used to simulate complex urban development processes. Previous studies indicated that vector-based cel
AbstractGlobal land-use and land-cover change (LUCC) data are crucial for modeling a wide range of environmental conditions. So far, access to high-re
AbstractUrbanization has profoundly altered the terrestrial ecosystem carbon cycle, especially the net primary productivity (NPP). Many attempts have
Abstract城市土地利用及其变化对城市环境有着重要影响。很多学者已经结合元胞自动机和机器学习算法对城市扩 张进行了相关的模拟研究, 但针对复杂的多类土地利用相互变化过程的研究仍然较少。该文提出了一种基于随机 森林算法的多类元胞自动机( RFA2CA) 模型, 并将其用于模拟和预测复杂的多类土地利