Urban region representation learning incorporating transition, spatial, and temporal perspectives
Title: Urban region representation learning with human trajectories: a multi-view approach incorporating transition, spatial, and temporal perspectives
会议通知 | 第三届中国空间数据智能战略研讨会
为进一步促进空间数据智能研究的理论发展与应用,交流相关领域的新理论、新问题、新方法,ACM SIGSPATIAL中国分会将于2024年9月20日-22日在烟台举办第三届“空间数据智能战略研讨会”。本届大会由ACM SIGSPATIAL中国分会主办,向全社会科研工作者开放。
团队新闻 | 姚尧教授荣获日本学术振兴会卓越研究员(LEADER)事业项目资助
在研课题 | 人地协同的城市动态社区发现模型与韧性评估
讲座报告 | 基于GeoAI的城市智能感知系列讲座
团队新闻 | 武汉灵山——以GEP创新引领山水工程全生命周期管理
软件著作权 | 基于真实地块的城市土地利用变化模拟和预测系统(Python版)
AED location selection considering myocardial infarction risk and medical resources
Title: Automated external defibrillator location selection considering myocardial infarction risk and medical resources
DCAI-CLUD: a data-centric framework for the construction of land-use datasets
Title: DCAI-CLUD: a data-centric framework for the construction of land-use datasets
在研课题 | Resilience patterns of multiscale human mobility under extreme rainfall events
This research presents a framework utilizing massive individual trajectory data to dissect resilience patterns of human mobility across scales. The framework includes the following components: 1) Quantifying human mobility and resilience levels. 2) Extracting resilience patterns and their spatial heterogeneity. 3) Explaining differences in resilience patterns through social factors. This study will be analyzed in the context of Japan experiencing an extreme rainstorm event, with the Japanese metropolitan area as the study area.