软件著作权 | 基于真实地块的城市土地利用变化模拟和预测系统(Python版)
AED location selection considering myocardial infarction risk and medical resources
Title: Automated external defibrillator location selection considering myocardial infarction risk and medical resources
DCAI-CLUD: a data-centric framework for the construction of land-use datasets
Title: DCAI-CLUD: a data-centric framework for the construction of land-use datasets
在研课题 | Resilience patterns of multiscale human mobility under extreme rainfall events
This research presents a framework utilizing massive individual trajectory data to dissect resilience patterns of human mobility across scales. The framework includes the following components: 1) Quantifying human mobility and resilience levels. 2) Extracting resilience patterns and their spatial heterogeneity. 3) Explaining differences in resilience patterns through social factors. This study will be analyzed in the context of Japan experiencing an extreme rainstorm event, with the Japanese metropolitan area as the study area.
在研课题 | 江苏省常州市武进区村庄分类模型建设项目
在研课题 | 人群轨迹驱动的城市群土地利用变化分析和未来多情景模拟
在研课题 | 基于人地关系的国土空间特征分析及其优化路径
讲座公开 | 城市街景大数据和多维感知分析(智慧城市大讲堂)
会议通知 | 第十七届中国智慧城市大会
Exploring the pathways linking visual green space to depression in older adults in Shanghai
Title: Exploring the pathways linking visual green space to depression in older adults in Shanghai, China: using street view data