姚尧教授当选国际顶级期刊《Computers, Environment and Urban Systems》编委
Professor Yao Yao Appointed to the Editorial Board of Top-tier Journal Computers, Environment and Urban Systems
近日,中国地质大学(武汉)地理与信息工程学院姚尧教授受邀担任国际知名期刊《Computers, Environment and Urban Systems》(计算机、环境和城市系统,以下简称CEUS)的编委。CEUS作为地理信息与城市研究领域的顶级期刊,2024年最新影响因子达到7.1,被评为中科院1区Top期刊,涵盖地球科学、地理学、区域与城市规划等多个学科方向,具有广泛的国际影响力。
Recently, Professor Yao Yao from the School of Geography and Information Engineering at China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) has been invited to serve on the editorial board the internationally renowned journal Computers, Environment and Urban Systems (CEUS). As a prestigious journal in the fields of geographic information and urban studies, CEUS has a 2024 impact factor of 7.1 and is classified as a CAS Category 1 Top journal. It covers multiple disciplines including Earth sciences, geography, and urban and regional planning and enjoys a significant international impact.
关于CEUS期刊(About CEUS)
CEUS is an international academic journal focused on research on urban systems and the environment using computer-based methods, with an emphasis on geospatial perspectives and innovative approaches. The journal covers topics such as urban infrastructure management, land use and transportation planning, socio-economic development, and disaster response, providing a platform for research and exchange within the global academic community. Its technical approaches include decision support systems, spatial statistical analysis, complex systems, artificial intelligence, and spatio-temporal simulation, aiming to advance the sustainable development of urban and environmental systems.
- 在城市研究(Urban Studies)领域,全球排名第3(共279种期刊),百分位99%;
- 在地理学与规划(Geography, Planning and Development)领域,全球排名第19(共821种期刊),百分位97%;
- 在生态建模(Ecological Modeling)领域,全球排名第2(共41种期刊),百分位96%。
CEUS excels in its rankings across various fields:
- Urban Studies: Ranked 3rd globally out of 279 journals (99th percentile).
- Geography, Planning and Development: Ranked 19th globally out of 821 journals (97th percentile).
- Ecological Modeling: Ranked 2nd globally out of 41 journals (96th percentile).
学者介绍(Scholar Introduction)
Professor Yao Yao is a professor and doctoral supervisor at the China University of Geosciences (Wuhan). He also serves as a research fellow at the University of Tokyo's Center for Spatial Information Science and a JSPS Fellow. He has long been dedicated to research in spatiotemporal big data technology and computational urban science, achieving significant results. Professor Yao has published over 100 high-quality academic papers, with more than 7,300 citations and an H-index of 40. Several of his papers have been selected as ESI Highly Cited or Hot Papers. His research involves multi-source spatiotemporal data mining, urban computation, and intelligent decision support, offering new perspectives and methods to the academic community.
近年来,姚尧教授的研究成果多次荣登地理信息系统领域顶级期刊《International Journal of Geographic Information Science》(IJGIS)的高被引论文榜单,并荣获2020年国际计算机协会ACM SIGSPATIAL中国新星奖、科睿唯安全球高被引学者(2023、2024年)以及斯坦福大学全球前2%科学家(2022、2023、2024年)等多项国际荣誉。
In recent years, Professor Yao Yao's work has frequently appeared on the highly cited papers list in the top journal International Journal of Geographic Information Science (IJGIS). He has also been awarded multiple international honors, including the ACM SIGSPATIAL China Rising Star Award (2020), Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher (2023, 2024), and recognition as one of Stanford University's Global Top 2% Scientists (2022, 2023, 2024).