Research Title

Resilience patterns of multiscale human mobility under extreme rainfall events using massive individual trajectory data

Research Outline

This research presents a framework utilizing massive individual trajectory data to dissect resilience patterns of human mobility across scales. The framework includes the following components:

  1. Quantifying human mobility and resilience levels.
  2. Extracting resilience patterns and their spatial heterogeneity
  3. Explaining differences in resilience patterns through social factors.

This study will be analyzed in the context of Japan experiencing an extreme rainstorm event, with the Japanese metropolitan area as the study area.

Aim of the research

The purpose of this study is to investigate the resilience patterns of multi-scale human mobility behaviors within urban agglomerations under the influence of extreme disaster events.

Aiming at the problem of the existing studies' failure to explore the distribution rule of mobility resilience patterns and its causes at multiple scales, this study analyzes the human mobility situation within urban agglomerations under extreme hazardous conditions, calculates urban resilience levels at multiple scales, and explores the relationship between resilience patterns, resilience levels, and social factors.

This seeks to reveal the possible common mechanisms of disaster-induced behavioral responses and understand how human mobility behaviors change in response to emergencies. The findings are intended to bolster urban resilience and assist urban decision-makers in developing and implementing data-driven resilience and contingency planning strategies to address localized changes in risk and resilience capacity.

In addition, this study provides scientific references to better understand the complexity of the collective movement behavior of high-density populations under extreme hazardous weather conditions and recovery and development after emergencies.

Partner Institution

LocationMind Inc.
